Friday, April 24, 2015

Creative ways to elevate a shallow planting bowl

When it comes to container herb & succulent gardening, shallow planting bowls are my favorite style of pot because they provide lots of workable surface space. Shallow bowl containers do sit low on ground however which is why I elevate my containers anywhere from a foot to forty inches in height.

The easiest way to elevate a shallow bowl planter is to place it on top of an other pot like this:
This is a great way to reuse a terra cotta pot that is cracked or damaged. Here are some other ways to elevate a shallow container garden
  • Placing it upon an old chair tucked in the corner of your yard
  • On top of a tree stump
  • Upon an old birdbath
  • On top of an inverted galvanized barrel
  • On an old wooden picnic table (old kids picnic tables work great too!)
  • In wheelbarrows
The shallow planter shown was made from a vintage McCoy wash basin that had cracked and been inexpertly mended. I filled it with a mix of potting soil & sand and planted it with two different sedum varieties and a Hen & Chick .  The glass knob in the center is merely an inverted salt shaker I found with an interesting pattern. The rocks shown are crushed lavarock.

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